Residents claim road closure in Milton Keynes village is putting people's lives in danger

Work for 'essential telecommunications' blocking access for cars and emergency vehicles

Residents in Broughton claim roadworks which have blocked access to homes and for emergency vehicles, are putting people's lives in danger.

Milton Keynes Council has approved 'emergency' essential telecommunications work to be carried out in the area. However, contractors for Omnis Highway Solutions have had to close Broughton Grounds Lane, restricting access for both residents and emergency vehicles to the road or Far Lawrence which is a residential area.

Kayleigh Murphy said: "I am angry that they have put myself and my fellow residents' lives in jeopardy by illegally blocking all access to either road.

Residents say the road closure in Broughton Grounds Lane is blocking access for emergency vehicles and people living in Far Lawrence Residents say the road closure in Broughton Grounds Lane is blocking access for emergency vehicles and people living in Far Lawrence
Residents say the road closure in Broughton Grounds Lane is blocking access for emergency vehicles and people living in Far Lawrence

"We cannot get in or out of Far Lawrence and I, personally, have had to park in Brooklands, jeopardising my insurance policy, and to then walk in the dark across the M1 bridge, squeezing past a lorry, and ducking under their equipment just to get home.

"When I asked if they can move they said due to the size of their lorry and equipment it would take 20-30 minutes to clear the road for my car to get through.

"My partner and I (both female) had to walk back in the dark as we hadn’t got anything in for dinner due to making plans to eat out.

"We called the council emergency line who claim to not have approved the works and requested we call the police a it was illegal for them to be blocking the road."

Resident Kayleigh Murphy said contractors claimed it would take around 20-30 minutes to move a lorry and equipment which was blocking the road Resident Kayleigh Murphy said contractors claimed it would take around 20-30 minutes to move a lorry and equipment which was blocking the road
Resident Kayleigh Murphy said contractors claimed it would take around 20-30 minutes to move a lorry and equipment which was blocking the road

Kayleigh added: "Not sure why it’s our responsibility to call the police but we did and we were on hold for some time so instead called the number on the road closures signs. An unpleasant man answered. He did not care, could not help and claimed it was approved by the council.

"They put up advanced warning signs as they closed the road. They state the closure is an emergency job as they need to install a 4G mast. Slightly odd as we have 4G here. I’m not sure that erecting an internet mast is more than important than potentially saving a life if someone living in Far Lawrence was to fall ill."

Omnis Highway Solutions are experts in traffic management. A spokesman said: "I can confirm this is set up correctly and as per the agreement with our customer, and the local council highways department.

"There were advance warning signs installed and letters delivered to residents in the run up to these works taking place.

The road closure is due to 'essential telecommunications' works which are due to be completed on December 22 The road closure is due to 'essential telecommunications' works which are due to be completed on December 22
The road closure is due to 'essential telecommunications' works which are due to be completed on December 22

"I understand these works cause an inconvenience to local residents, no-one wants to be blocked in. However, these are essential telecommunications works and we do our best to minimise the impact to the locals.

“不幸的是由于t一些中断是不可避免的o the nature of the works. We do have a contact number on the advance warning signs which states to contact us in an emergency. We have a manager on the end of the phone 24/7 365 days a year who will be able to assist."

The works are due to be completed on December 22..