Out of town fly tipper gets hefty fine for driving to Milton Keynes to dump his rubbish

He pretended to be a registered waste carrier

A Northampton man who pretended to be a registered waste carrier has been ordered to pay £1,500 in fines and costs for dumping waste illegally in Milton Keynes.

The man was paid a £100 by a resident in Northamptonshire to dispose of their waste properly, but Woughton Community Council discovered the bags of dumped rubbish on Rainbow Drive in Leadenhall.

Following an investigation by Milton Keynes City Council, the case was brought to the city’s Magistrates Court, where the offender pleaded guilty to illegally dumping waste and transporting the rubbish without being a registered carrier.

The rubbish was dumped illegally at Leadenhall in Milton Keynes The rubbish was dumped illegally at Leadenhall in Milton Keynes
The rubbish was dumped illegally at Leadenhall in Milton Keynes

He was fined £733, and ordered to pay the city council’s legal fees of £521 and a victim surcharge of £293.

Cllr Lauren Townsend, Cabinet member for the Public Realm, said: “We will not tolerate fly tipping in our city and we take action to crack down on fly tippers. In the last 18 months we’ve put forward 50 cases for prosecution and issued hundreds more Fixed Penalty Notices. We’ll continue to work with parish and town councils and other partners to track down the offenders who disrespect our green spaces and communities.”

Woughton Community Council says it will continue to be vigilant about rubbish dumped in its patch.

Its leader, Cllr Donna Fuller said: “We are pleased that our hard work for the residents of Woughton has paid off and that the person responsible for dumping this rubbish in our community has been caught. We’ll continue to work with colleagues at Milton Keynes City Council to ensure no offenders get away with disrespecting our estates and green spaces in this way."