Have your say on parking and landscaping improvements in Milton Keynes town

Plans form part of regeneration of old Agora Centre in Woverton

A consultation has been launched on proposed improvements to car parking and landscaping in Wolverton town centre which form part of regeneration plans for the area.

The consultation outlines proposed improvements to the St George’s Way Estate, and ties in withMilton KeynesCouncil’s commitment to invest £36million in the regeneration of the Agora Centre.

Changes proposed involve:

Proposals form part of massive regeneration for the old Agora Centre in Wolverton Proposals form part of massive regeneration for the old Agora Centre in Wolverton
Proposals form part of massive regeneration for the old Agora Centre in Wolverton

> Demolishing the existing underused garages

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> Improving the planting and landscape

> Introducing a new public toilet, which will be funded by MKC and managed by Wolverton and Greenleys Town Council

CouncillorRob Middleton, Labour Councillor for Wolverton Ward and Cabinet Member for Resources, said: “These are exciting plans that could breathe new life into Wolverton. The area isn’t being used as much as we would like, which means it’s looking rather tired. We want to spruce up the area by planting more trees, flowers, and creating more parking for residents and visitors.”

He added: “This is all part of our regeneration plans for Wolverton, where the town centre will be transformed into a green, attractive space for residents and businesses. The Agora Centre will be demolished next year, and in its place will be new streets, shops, and homes. This is all incredibly exciting and I encourage people to have their say on the plans.”

The consultation boards and feedback forms will be in the Wolverton Town Hall until Monday, December 6.

Following this consultation, a planning application will be prepared and submitted where formal comments can be made.

You can find out more information about the Agora regenerationhere: