跟踪狂的米尔顿凯恩斯made woman’s life ‘a misery’ by tracking car and emailing employer

The victim was left feeling emotionally and physically drained from loss of sleep

A Milton Keynes man has been given a community order after relentlessly stalking a Towcester woman for months and making her life a ‘misery’.

Scott Pileckas, aged 35, of Top Fair Furlong, Redhouse Park, Milton Keynes appeared at Northampton Crown Court on Thursday, January 19 after pleading guilty to stalking involving serious alarm and distress.

The defendant was in a relationship with the victim for three years before she ended it in February 2018 and never wanted to hear from Pileckas again, the court heard.

Northampton Court Northampton Court
Northampton Court

David Lee, prosecuting, said that Pileckas proceeded to stalk his former partner for months after the break-up.

This course of harassment included sending unpleasant messages to her former partner, putting a tracking device on her car and sending harassing emails to her employer making allegations against the victim, her close friends and family.

The court heard that this behaviour caused the victim to suffer serious loss of sleep and left her feeling emotionally and physically drained.

Micaila Williams, in mitigation, told the court that the offence is now five years old and there is no suggestion that any further contact has taken place between Pileckas and the victim.

Ms Williams said: “This is a man who has moved on with his life and is now married. His wife is fully aware of these proceedings.”

The court heard that Pileckas was remanded in custody for six months and made subject to an electronically monitored curfew.

Ms Williams said this stopped Pileckas from visiting his grandmother in America and forced him to take a step back from his voluntary work, which is “an important part of his life.”

His Honour Judge David Herbert KC, sentencing, said: “You made her life a misery and I hope now that you can understand why. You caused her great stress, loss of sleep and she was emotionally and physically drained by your behaviour.”

He continued: “However, you have had a significant amount of punishment already and you have kept out of trouble for some time. The reality is - I am happy to say - your life has moved on.”

Pileckas was sentenced to an 18-month community order with 40 rehabilitation activity requirement days. An electronically monitored curfew was imposed for four months.