Road sweeper prosecuted for dumping rubbish illegally in Milton Keynes

He pleaded guilty in court to three offences

A road sweeper from Neath Hill has been ordered to pay more than £1,531 in fines and costs for illegally dumping waste from his vehicle at the entrance of MK Bowl.

The man pleaded guilty to three offences of illegal waste dumping when he appeared in front of Milton Keynes Magistrates.

The court heard that on three occasions between 12 January 2021 and 9 April 2021, CCTV cameras monitoring a fly tipping hotspot at the entrance to the Bowl captured images of the man’s road sweeper entering the area and emptying his tank onto public land.

Court Court

He works for a private business based in Leighton Buzzard, said Milton Keynes Council officers, who took him to court.

The council's Cabinet member for the Public Realm, Cllr Lauren Townsend, said, “We will take action and prosecute people who think it’s acceptable to dump waste illegally in MK.”

“We want MK to be a clean and green environment for everyone, and this man is just one of many offenders we have caught fly tipping with our CCTV cameras.”

If you spot anyone dumping illegal waste, you can report it to MK Council onlinehere.