Police search for middle-aged man seen performing 'shocking' intimate act on Milton Keynes bridge as children were walking home from school

Police are investigating a ‘shocking act of outraging public decency’ that happened on a bridge over the A5 this week.

They say a member of the public saw a man who appeared to be performing an intimate act on the far side of the A5 overbridge near Stony Stratford.

The incident happened between 3.25pm and 3.30pm yesterday (Wednesday), just as children were walking home from schools in the area.

The bridge is near Cottesloe Court in Galley Hill and close to a field in Wolverton Mill.

Police are seeking witnesses Police are seeking witnesses
Police are seeking witnesses

估计我的那个人n his late forties and was white, of medium build and had dark brown hair. He wore dark blue denim jeans, a black top and a flat cap.

Police are appealing for any witnesses who saw him on the bridge, or walking afterwards towards Galley Hill.

He then made his way back across the bridge to the Wolverton Mill field, before he disappeared out of sight, say police.

Investigating officer PC Jordan Buchanan-Kay, who is based at Milton Keynes police station, said: “This was a shocking incident, particularly as children were in the area having just left school.

“So I am appealing to anyone who may have witnessed this or anyone with information which might help our investigation to please get in touch.

“You can contact us using our online form or by calling 101, quoting reference number 43220215702.”

PC Buchanan-Kay added: “Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity, Crimestoppers, anonymously via its website or on 0800 555 111.”