New Thames Valley Police deputy chief constable focused on delivering 'excellent' neighbourhood policing

“This is a great force with a diligent and professional workforce”

Thames Valley Police has announced its new deputy chief constable following the former incumbent’s promotion to the top job.

Ben Snuggs has expressed his delight at becoming deputy chief constable for the force following Jason Hogg’s promotion to Chief Constable on 1 April.

Previously, deputy chief constable Snuggs, was deputy chief constable for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. He was formally appointed in January, and started in the new role last week.

deputy chief constable Ben Snuggs deputy chief constable Ben Snuggs
deputy chief constable Ben Snuggs

“I am really thrilled to be joining Thames Valley Police as Deputy Chief Constable,” he said.

“This is a great force with a diligent and professional workforce who are committed to serving our communities and community groups across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.

“I joined policing over 26 years ago and I am as focused now as I was then to make our service better by being agile and effective in all that we do.”

Deputy chief constable Snuggs was assistant chief constable for Joint Operations for Thames Valley Police and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.

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As well as new chief and deputy chief constables, Thames Valley Police has made other changes to its senior management.

Assistant chief constable Rob France who was previously assistant chief constable for Crime, Criminal Justice, Intelligence and Tasking and Development at Hampshire Constabulary, will now oversee Joint Operations.

Assistant chief constable Dennis Murray will be taking on a new assistant chief constable role within Thames Valley Police.

ACC Murray’s former role will be filled by Katy Barrow-Grint who becomes temporary assistant chief constable for Crime and Criminal Justice.

“As Deputy Chief Constable, my focus is clear; supporting our new Chief Constable and his vision for Thames Valley Police, and delivering excellent performance that will make our communities proud of us through a bedrock of neighbourhood policing, quality investigations and excellent response,”deputy chief constable Snuggs said.

“This will ensure we deliver our Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Criminal Justice Plan and maintain our community’s trust and confidence which is so vital.”

Jason Hogg was appointed to the top job in Thames Valley Police after his predecessor John Campbell retired after 35 years of service.