Milton Keynes murder victim was just 16 say police as location of stabbing is confirmed

Police have released a map and new information surrounding the stabbing as murder investigation continues

Police investigating a murder in Milton Keynes have revealed the victim was just 16 years old in an update clarifying the location of the stabbing.

"As our investigation continues into the murder of a 16-year-old boy in Milton Keynes yesterday afternoon (11/2), we are now able to provide further clarification on where the incident took place," Thames Valley Police said in an update on Saturday.

"The victim was stabbed near the junction of Palace Square and Rainbow Drive in Leadenhall. After being stabbed, he then moved towards the Chaffron Way campus of Milton Keynes College and collapsed on the redway outside.

MK murder map MK murder map
MK murder map

"Healthcare students and a member of staff from the college who were in a class overlooking the redway made their way outside and provided immediate first aid, until emergency services arrived.

"These students are now receiving specialist support from the college and we would like to publicly commend the courage and selflessness that they have demonstrated in these tragic circumstances.

"We are continuing to appeal to anyone who has any information that may assist with our murder investigation to make contact with us either online or by calling 101 with reference number 43220064415."

Police confirmed the victim is yet to be formally identified and his family are being supported by our specially trained officers.

Yesterday, we arrested an 18-year-old man from Milton Keynes on suspicion of murder and he is still in police custody.

Police are continuing to carry out additional patrols across the town but reassured residents they do not believe there is any threat to the wider community.