Man struck with bat and knifed during violent attempted robbery in Milton Keynes

Police are appealing for witnesses following a violent attempted robbery in Milton Keynes.

Friday, 11th October 2019, 12:06 pm

On Wednesday evening, the victim, 38-year-old man, was walking to his car at Kingston Shopping Centre when another man approached him, demanding the keys to his vehicle.

An altercation began when the victim was struck with a bat-like weapon.

As the victim got into his car, another car pulled up in front of his and a second man got out, stabbing the victim with a knife.

His car keys were not handed over during the incident.

Both offenders then made off from the scene in the car, believed to be a dark coloured BMW on cloned registration plates.

The victim suffered knife wounds to his arms, and was taken to hospital where he remains.


The first offender, who attacked the victim with a bat, is described as a mixed race man and around 6ft tall with short dark hair. He was wearing a hooded jacket with the hood up and had a tattoo on the left side of his neck.

The second offender, who had the knife, is described as being a white man and 6ft tall, in his late teens or early twenties.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Matthew Acland, of Milton Keynes police station, said: “I am appealing for witnesses to this incident, which was a violent attack on the victim, who had to be taken to hospital.

“He remains in hospital with knife injuries to his arms, and I am now appealing for any witnesses to this incident to come forward.

“If anyone believes they saw or heard anything significant, or saw the dark coloured BMW with cloned plates in the area, please contact us.

“Anyone with information should contact 101, quoting 43190313775, or you can make a report online.”