'It's impossible to stay positive after all this time' say heartbroken parents of missing Milton Keynes woman Leah Croucher

Three years on, they still have no answer about what has happened to their daughter

The family of Leah Croucher has today issue statement on three-year anniversary of her disappearance.

Parents John and Claire Croucher have spoken about the three long and desolate years that have brought them no answers and not a single clue about why their daughter vanished without a trace on her way to work

"It is impossible to stay positive after all this time," they said. "It was difficult at the start of this, but now, the task is so futile, our lives are so bleak. It is harder each day to tell ourselves that today will be the day that we get answers, today we find out what happened three years ago. Today we get our treasured daughter back.

Leah parents, John and Claire Croucher, with her sister Jade Leah parents, John and Claire Croucher, with her sister Jade
Leah parents, John and Claire Croucher, with her sister Jade

"It is unimaginable to convince ourselves that this is not a lie we tell ourselves so that we get out of bed each day. Each day is torture. Each day feels like an eternity of pain and despair. It is inconceivable not to worry every second of every single day.

"Sleep feels an elusive character each night, waking each morning we never feel rested and refreshed."

John and Claire added: "Each time the phone rings or there is a knock at the front door, our hearts still leap in our chests. That familiar surge of hope springing up in our throats. That familiar wave of despair that crashes over our very souls each time It is not the police or Leah herself knocking at the door or calling on the phone."

The family is urging the public to continue to help. "You have all been so wonderful so far, still helping us search every face in the streets to see if they are Leah, still sharing on social media, still reporting possible sightings to the police.

Leah Croucher Leah Croucher
Leah Croucher

"We ask you to search your phones for pictures taken on the evening of 2 February 2019 outside the Jury’s Inn/Travel Lodge and the morning of 15 February 2019, in the Furtzon area.

"Search your memories to see if you can remember one thing that may help the police in their search. Please contact the police with anything you know, even if it seems small and insignificant. You are our only hope, you always have been."

To their daughter herself, they said: "Leah, we only want to know you are safe and well. All you have to do is walk into a police station and tell them who you are and ask them to pass the message onto us that you want to stay away, you choose to remain apart from all who love and cherish you, that you do not want to come home.

"Please, we miss you so much. We are so worried about you. If you left us all that day, please let us know that it was your choice, because until that day happens, we will not stop. We will continue with the social media posts, the TV, radio and press interviews, the begging for news and information.

Members of the public have tied yellow ribbons around posters of Leah today Members of the public have tied yellow ribbons around posters of Leah today
Members of the public have tied yellow ribbons around posters of Leah today

"We love you too much to give up and stop looking for answers."