'Dangerous' Milton Keynes paedophile jailed after leaving victim suffering nightmares and needing to shower twice a day 'to get clean'

Justice served as 44-year-old abuser is sent to prison

A 'dangerous' Milton Keynes man who sexually abused a girl under the age of 16 in Northampton was jailed for 15 years today (Friday, August 13).

Simba Masvaure, of Kingsfold, Bradville, MK, was found guilty at Northampton Crown Court on June 11.

The same court heard how the victim has been left needing anti-depressants, has no self-confidence, suffers nightmares and has to shower twice a day 'to get clean'.

Simba Masvaure, of Kingsfold, Bradville, MK, was found guilty at Northampton Crown Court on June 11 Simba Masvaure, of Kingsfold, Bradville, MK, was found guilty at Northampton Crown Court on June 11
Simba Masvaure, of Kingsfold, Bradville, MK, was found guilty at Northampton Crown Court on June 11

His Honour Judge David Herbert QC deemed the 44-year-old, from Milton Keynes, was a danger to young girls and extended his period on licence should he be released from prison.

"You should be ashamed of what you have done but it's clear to me from the trial and what I have read about you that you are not," the judge told him.

"You have no understanding of the harm you have caused to her and her victim impact statement indicates your offending had a significant impact on her life, the full extent of which is not possible to know at this stage."

Philip Gibb, prosecuting, read the victim's two statements from April 2019 and June this year which explained the distress and upset Masvaure had caused her.

The first statement said she was constantly worried and scared with regular flashbacks to the abuse and nightmares which could last for a week and deprive her of sleep.

The victim said it was painful that some people did not believe her, her education was affected and added: "I feel all I can do is cry."

The more recent statement said she is doing better now and was being supported by her boyfriend, her doctor and mental health services.

But she is still suffering with the effects of the abuse, having been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and it was 'so painful' to hear Masvaure deny it in court.

"Since the result of the court case I have felt at more peace knowing her cannot hurt me and knowing he cannot do this anymore makes me happy," she added.

Masvaure will have to serve two-thirds of his sentence before he is considered for parole and the defendant will have to spend an extra two years on licence upon his release.

The defendant was also given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order.