Ceremony commemorating the anniversary of George Floyd's death announced in Milton Keynes

Members of the Milton Keynes community will be coming together to mark the one -year anniversary of his murder.

ByJames Lowson
Friday, 21st May 2021, 3:50 pm
Updated Monday, 24th May 2021, 9:08 am

On Tuesday May 25, people from Milton Keynes will come together to remember the passing of George Floyd, at the MK Rose on Campbell Park.

Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25 2020.

The startling footage, which showed Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck for over eight minutes, sparked a worldwide push to reexamine racial inequality.

Black Lives Matter protest in Milton Keynes on June 6 2020

In Milton Keynes many gathered to show solidarity following George Floyd's death in a peacefulmass protest on June 6. Organisers want to replicate that solidarity on Tuesday, albeit due to health and safety protocols, the ceremony can only be attended by 30 people, it will run from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

The Council of Faiths will lead the event, where speeches and poetry readings have been confirmed. Among those attending will be the Milton Keynes Mayor, Mohammed Khan, the area commander for Milton Keynes from the Thames Valley Police and members of other diverse communities.

An event spokesperson said: "May 25th is a date which globally will forever be commemorated and remembered for the crime that was committed against Mr. Floyd in Minneapolis. This date is one of deep importance to both the city and the people of Milton Keynes as the date stands as a consistent reminder of the need to eradicate hate, racism and prejudice from our community and the world.

“承认这个日期和B的重要性lack Lives Matter movement will be of great significance to the entire community of Milton Keynes in asserting the city’s commitment to unity, equality and fairness for all people.

At the same time, recognising this date and this milestone event will be personally important to the Black Community of Milton Keynes. Recognising this day will show the Black Community of Milton Keynes that they matter.

"It will reinforce the city’s commitment to being a place of respect and harmony among all peoples. It accentuates the city’s commitment to ensuring that its Black community has a safe, vibrant and prosperous future. One not hampered by the scourge and the legacies of racism."