愤怒的议员要求回答为什么刀crime has increased so dramatically in Milton Keynes

An angry councillor has written to MPs and police echoing the thoughts of the city following yesterday’s fatal stabbing.

Bletchley town councillor Dr Shery Delfani has calculated that knife crime has soared by 90% in Milton Keynes over the past two years, with at least 10 fatal stabbings during that time.

This is a higher rise than London, she says. And what is particularly worrying is thatfour of the deaths have happened in the past three months.

Dr Delfani has penned a letter to MPs Iain Stewart and Ben Everitt and the Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber to voice her concerns and frustration.

Councillor Dr Shery Delfani Councillor Dr Shery Delfani
Councillor Dr Shery Delfani

Her letter states: “Sadly, we are experiencing a significant rise in levels of crime, especially knife crime in Milton Keynes. It is absolutely shocking to live in a

society where we see young people affected as primary and secondary victims of these tragedies.”

“But the question is, why has this increased dramatically in Milton Keynes for the last few years?

The letter adds: "This cannot be allowed to continue. By perpetuating the failure to invest in police resources and cuts in CCTV, MK residents are paying for this issue with their lives.

Why is knife crime soaring in Milton Keynes? Why is knife crime soaring in Milton Keynes?
Why is knife crime soaring in Milton Keynes?

“As a woman, I do not feel safe any more to walk in MK’s streets while I know there is not enough police and CCTV coverage to protect us.”

On September 2021, PCC Mr Barber revealed his plans to commit £7.72million to combating anti-social behaviour , stating MK would be allocated £2,098,398 over three years.

He also made a statement last June saying that reducing knife crime was a priority.

Delfani博士现在质疑这个计划将work. "Sadly, MK has the highest overall knife related crime numbers in the whole of the TVP force area, according to a national report,” she said.

She is urging the PCC and the two MPs to take urgent action. “We all have a role to play. I urge you all, to put this matter urgently at the top of their agendas sourcing more police and CCTV in MK.

"We cannot accept any more lives to be taken because of knife crime in Milton Keynes,” she said.

PCC Matthew Barber told the Citizen today: “Another life lost in Milton Keynes is not just a tragic loss for the family involved but a cause of concern for us all. At the same time that we have seen serious violence falling over all we have continued to see horrific incidents like this that mean another young man has lost his life.

"I continue to push Thames Valley Police to do all they can to identify and tackle those who pose the most risk. That work continues, through robust policing in Milton Keynes, focused operations that have seen increased stop and search and diversionary activity lead by our violence reduction unit.

"The police cannot however tackle the culture of knife carrying alone. There is work for us all to do, as parents, schools, council, as well as the criminal justice system. We must stamp out knife carrying and tackle the drug trade that fuels so much of the violence we have seen.”