'Absolutely paralytic' BMW driver arrested after crash involving lamp post on Milton Keynes estate

The driver had his young child in the back, say police

City police officers have arrested a driver following a collision involving a lamp post on Conniburrow.

And they’ve revealed how the driver was FIVE times over the legal limit for drink driving – while his young child was in the back of the car.

A spokesman for TVP Roads Policing said: “Officers in Milton Keynes were called to a collision between this BMW and a lamp post in Conniburrow.

The driver of this BMW in Milton Keynes has been arrested The driver of this BMW in Milton Keynes has been arrested
The driver of this BMW in Milton Keynes has been arrested

"The driver was absolutely paralytic and was arrested after failing a roadside breath test.”

The spokesman added: “In custody he blew 156 micrograms, which is five times the drink drive limit of 35.

"To make matters worse he had his seven year old son in the car at the time, who received minor injuries.

"The driver also only had a provisional licence.”

Empty mini bottles of vodka were found in the car Empty mini bottles of vodka were found in the car
Empty mini bottles of vodka were found in the car

Police have also published a photo of miniature empty bottles of vodka found in the car.

They charged the driver and he was sent straight to court.

"He will face a long ban and possible prison sentence. Social services have also been informed and will take necessary action regarding the child,” said the spokesman.