Charity fun day in memory of cot death victim Finley

A grieving city mum is marking what should have been her son's 18th birthday by raising cash for charity in his memory.

Tuesday, 23rd February 2016, 1:00 pm
Updated Tuesday, 23rd February 2016, 1:05 pm

Sarah Hardwick lost baby Finley to cot death in 1998 - but she remembers the day as if it were yesterday.

She said; “One day, shortly after a feed, Finley fell asleep.I was exhausted as a new mum, and also had a nap.

“When I woke up Finley was limp and turning blue.”

Sarah dialled 999 and, following the operator’s instructions, gave her son mouth to mouth resuscitation.

“I revived him for a short while. i could feel a weak pulse and his chest was moving up and down again,,” she said.

But by the time the ambulance arrived Finley had stopped breathing again.

“A part of me died that day and has never been the same since,” said Sarah.

She plans to hold a family fun day on April 2nd - Finley’s birthday - to raise money for SANDS stillbirth and neonatal death charity.

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