有爱心的弥尔顿Keynes teenager launches charity to help hard-up females with sanitary products

A caring 13-year-old has started her own charity called Girl Pack to provide sanitary products to females who cannot afford to buy them.


Paige Pilkington puts together little packages containing two packets of sanitary towels or tampons, a pack of new briefs and a small bottle of lotion.

She distributes them for free at her school, Milton Keynes Academy, as well as through the Woughton parish council hub, Moorlands Family Centre and local churches.

“They are vital to some girls who are missing school because they come from a low income family and can’t afford sanitary products. They are also vital to homeless women,” said Paige.

She is pictured (right) with her big sister Emily at a stall she held at a recent church fair to raise funds to buy more supplies for Girl Pack. Her efforts raised £173.

Her mum Ellie said: “Paige’s hard work and commitment has astounded every one she has met. We’re so proud.”