Bucks New University student from Milton Keynes launches own company - before she's even graduated!

A tech-savvy student from Milton Keynes studying at Buckinghamshire New University has started up her own company despite not yet graduating and already has the first client on the books.

Katie (left) and Sarah: Business brilliance
Katie (left) and Sarah: Business brilliance
Katie (left) and Sarah: Business brilliance

Katie Pink, 21, from Wavendon is in the final year of her degree in BA (Hons) Advertising Management and Digital Communications at the University in High Wycombe.

The former Stantonbury Campus pupil has set up digital marketing consultancy, KAS Digital Insights, with fellow student, Sarah Hrycyk, also 21.

The ambitious duo are using the skills and contacts gained through their studies to help get the company off the ground and have high hopes it can flourish once they graduate.

Vic Davies, senior lecturer in Bucks Business School at Bucks New University, put Sarah and Katie in touch with their first client, therapy centre Beaconsfield Therapies.

They developed a digital marketing strategy for the company to make the most of social media, email marketing and online PR.

Sarah said: “Being able to successfully run KAS Digital Insights whilst still studying at university is a dream in itself and being able to call your passion work is an amazing feeling.

“On a personal level we have gained a great connection with Beaconsfield Therapies and on a professional level gained a very happy client.”

Mr Davies added: “The skills they have learned at Bucks New University through our applied and practice-based curriculum has really helped Sarah and Katie and given them the confidence to set up their own company.

“At Bucks Business School we provide our students with live briefs so they are working with actual clients to develop genuine marketing solutions and through their own company Sarah and Katie have now taken this concept on further.”

Frances Devine, owner of Beaconsfield Therapies, is delighted with Sarah and Katie’s work.

She said: “Sarah and Katie produced two invaluable reports on the insights for Beaconsfield Therapies and gave me the confidence to tweet and blog.

“They have even written a diary of when I should publish the blogs for the most impact without making it seem they have done all the work. It’s like a successful marriage!”

Bucks New University supports students in developing entrepreneurial ideas. Support includes guidance and assistance from its Careers & Employability Service, use of Launch Pad, a boardroom and office space, and Dragons’ Den-style funding schemes, where students pitch for financial backing of between £2,000 and £5,00 each.