£100,000 fund for people hit by floods in Milton Keynes

A £100,000 flood hardship fund for MK families worst affected by the storms has tonight been announced by council leader Peter Marland.

Details of the fund will be announced over the next few days.

The areas worst affected by the floods were Coffee Hall, Beanhill, Netherfield and Oldbrook.

Some people lost everything but the clothes they stand up in.

Pete Marland
Pete Marland
Pete Marland

Other areas to suffer included Bletchley, Newport Pagnell and Stoke Goldington

Cllr Marland told the Citizen: “On Monday several months’ worth of rain fell within a few hours and around 100 homes in Milton Keynes have reported being flooded.

“Our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of the flood victims whose homes have flooded, arranging temporary accommodation if they haven’t been able to stay in their property, or getting them other help and support.”

He added: “I have been talking to residents and listening to what they have been through.

“Many have lost everything and have no way of replacing even the most basic things they need. MK Council will therefore be making a hardship fund of £100,000 available to help those hardest hit by the floods.”

Cllr Marland spent Monday and Tuesday in the areas affected talking to residents and listening to stories about how some people have lost all their possessions, including some residents who have lost everything. Many did not have flood insurance, he said.

MK Council has opened two flood centres on the worst hit estates, and MK Council staff have been out knocking on doors in affected other areas of Netherfield and Oldbrook.

The first priority has been those with flooded properties and dozens of residents have been found temporary accommodation.

All residents who have contacted the council to report flooding will be called back directly. Clean-up teams are also being deployed across the borough.

The council will be collecting flood damaged items free of charge if contacted, although the public are advised to contact their insurers before disposing of any items.

Cllr Marland said: “Our teams have been out assisting people and the local community has been fantastic. People with flooded homes who still need help or advice should contact MK Council on 01908 691691. MK Council will also be collecting flood damaged items for free and people should also contact us for more information.”