Inter-Action carves out new work

Inter-Action has a few new ‘guests’ in its grounds - half a dozen sculptures by Pam Foley.

Silent Grief - with creator Pam Silent Grief - with creator Pam
Silent Grief - with creator Pam

Inter-Action has a few new ‘guests’ in its grounds – half a dozen sculptures by Pam Foley.

She has spent the past 30 years working in the art world, the last 10 of those focusing specifically on sculpture.

Pam specialises in abstract reinterpretations of the human form, and themes of solitude, fleeting thoughts and emotions, and next weekend (April 13 & 14) will be leading a two day workshop in the art-form at the centre: ‘Modelling the Human figure in Plaster.’

Inter-Action MK director Adrian Pinckard is pleased to have Pam’s creativity at the Peartree Bridge centre.

“Pam is a sculptor of incredible skill and sensitivity,” he said.

“我们很高兴,他非常幸运r work here. the works fit very well within the atmosphere of our grounds and gardens and bring a contemplative feel to any visit and walk around the site.

“...even more reason to come along and pay us a visit!”

For more information about Pam’s creative courses, including June dates for one on clay head modelling, visit