Join the Challenge 45 Campaign: Making a Difference for Older Adults in Milton Keynes

Age UK Milton Keynes is excited to announce the launch of the Challenge 45 Campaign, set to kick off during the week beginning September 24th, 2023.

This inspiring initiative aims to combat loneliness and isolation among the older population in the area, calling on the community to come together and raise funds to make a meaningful impact.

Loneliness: A Silent Epidemic

In an era marked by connectivity and communication, it's easy to overlook the fact that many older adults in our community face profound feelings of loneliness and isolation. The Challenge 45 Campaign seeks to shine a spotlight on this often overlooked issue and empower people of all ages to take action.

Challenge 45 - Helping Older People in MK feel less isolated and less lonely. Challenge 45 - Helping Older People in MK feel less isolated and less lonely.
Challenge 45 - Helping Older People in MK feel less isolated and less lonely.

A Simple Act, A Significant Impact

The concept behind the Challenge 45 Campaign is elegantly simple: participants are invited to raise £45 each, symbolizing a pledge to support a local older adult who might be struggling with isolation. By committing to this modest yet impactful amount, individuals can directly contribute to our Befriending services that will bring companionship, assistance, and a renewed sense of community to those who need it most.

How Can You Get Involved?

Participation in the Challenge 45 Campaign couldn't be easier. Here's how you can make a difference:

Befriending Age UK Milton Keynes Befriending Age UK Milton Keynes
Befriending Age UK Milton Keynes

Donate: Visit our campaign website at make a secure online donation of £45 or any amount you can give. Your contribution will directly benefit older adults inMilton Keynes.

Spread the Word:Share the campaign on social media, using the hashtag #Challenge45MK, and encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to join the cause.

Host Fundraising Events:Consider organizing a fundraising event, whether it's a bake sale, a sponsored walk, or a community concert. Every pound raised will make a difference.

Corporate Sponsorship:Businesses and organizations can also participate by becoming sponsors or partners of the campaign. Contact us at[email protected]to explore collaboration opportunities.

Unite for a Stronger Community

The Challenge 45 Campaign is an opportunity for people from all walks of life to come together for a common purpose: to enrich the lives of older adults in our community and combat the isolation that can often accompany later years. By supporting this campaign, you're not just donating money – you're investing in the well-being and happiness of our older generation.

"Loneliness knows no boundaries of age, and its effects can be devastating," said Simon Tuck, Event and Community Fundraiser atAge UKMilton Keynes. "We believe that together, as a caring community, we can make a real difference in the lives of our older neighbours."

As the Challenge 45 Campaign approaches, Age UK Milton Keynes invites you to be part of this transformative movement. Let's create a future where no older adult in our community feels alone.

关于挑战的更多信息45信缘gn and how you can get involved, please visit contact[email protected]01908 557891.

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