Casting call for new TV show which helps you find your dream home

Led by property expert, Lucy Alexander (of Homes Under the Hammer fame), indecisive house hunters will be given the chance to find the right property for them.
Presenter and property expert Lucy Alexander/ Raise the Roof Productions Presenter and property expert Lucy Alexander/ Raise the Roof Productions
Presenter and property expert Lucy Alexander/ Raise the Roof Productions

“I love trying to find the Best of Both Worlds all over the UK - that country charm, but with access to great towns and cities,” explains presenter, Lucy Alexander. “And I’d love people to let me and my team find them their dream home!”

So whether you’re looking to move the family, relocate for a new job or leave the rat race of the city, Lucy and the team’s expert advice will take you on a property journey from city to sea and everywhere in between, take the plunge and apply now.

“There’ll be two sets of contestants per episode who are looking for the best of both worlds,” says Producer Lou Brown of Raise the Roof Productions.

“Some want more a rural location and others more city like but Lucy and the team will find whatever you want,” Lou adds. “For example, there was a couple in Edinburgh who wanted the rural life with easy access to the city, we looked at the seaside town of North Berwick.”

The criteria is simple to enter too. “We’re just looking for couples who want the best of both worlds to suit their lifestyle,” Lou adds.

House hunters looking for Lucy’s help in finding their dream home should send an email with their details to[email protected]call 0141 427 5880.