Brits say a clean home is more relaxing than a spa break

Think relaxation and gentle images of lazy days may spring to mind.
Many Brits claim a clean home is a bigger mood booster than a spa trip, research found (photo: Adobe) Many Brits claim a clean home is a bigger mood booster than a spa trip, research found (photo: Adobe)
Many Brits claim a clean home is a bigger mood booster than a spa trip, research found (photo: Adobe)

Perhaps we equate unwinding with listening to music in the park, reading a book on a sunny beach or simply a sit-down with a brew.

But it turns out that a large percentage of Brits find relaxation in the form of a clean and tidy home, with 45 percent of adults admitting that rolling up their sleeves and using a bit of elbow grease while cleaning helps them to relax.

So what is it about a spotless home that we like so much?

Seventy-one percent say a clean home helps lift their mood, with a sixth claiming it’s a bigger mood booster than a spa trip.

In fact, Brits are so keen to keep their homes clean because of how relaxed it makes them feel, they spend a whopping £601 million on cleaning each week.

New research by floor cleaning specialists, BISSELL, has found a fifth of Brits find being at home when it’s untidy or unclean makes them feel stressed, with 16 percent saying it frustrates them.

It may come as no surprise that cleaning the carpet is the job we find the most satisfying, so finding some pleasure in cleaning your floors might be worthwhile.

And almost a quarter of us admit we’d like a cleaning appliance as a gift, following the boom in ‘cleanfluencers’.

“There is nothing more satisfying than spending time in a home that feels clean and hygienic, and our survey results go to show just how houseproud we are as a nation," said Daniela Constantine, group brand manager for BISSELL .

"But it’s important to remember that cleaning doesn’t stop at just vacuuming, it’s important to wash your hard floors, carpets and upholstery - and there’s no better time to do this than during a good old-fashioned spring clean.”

When it comes to our number one tune to clean to, Queen’s "I Want To Break Free" tops the list.

The top 5 songs to clean to

1 I want to break free, Queen

2 Livin' on a prayer, Bon Jovi

3 Uptown funk, Bruno Mars

4 I got a feeling, Black Eyed Peas

5 Nine to five, Dolly Parton

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