Can you help reunite heartbroken Milton Keynes child with her missing Chihuahua?

A tiny Chihuahua with a distinctive deformed tail has been stolen out of a back garden in Milton Keynes.

Sandy-colouredSkyeis the much-loved pet of a seven-year old Alyssa Hogan, who has not stopped crying because she misses her so much.

Alyssa's parents are offering a reward for anybody who can tell them where Skye is.

"They have not just taken a pet - this is my daughter's best friend. Look what they have done to my little girl. She won't stop crying, It's heartbreaking. If you have a heart please do the right thing," said Alyssa's dad Alan.

Alyssa has not stopped crying since Skye disappeared Alyssa has not stopped crying since Skye disappeared
Alyssa has not stopped crying since Skye disappeared

He says Skye was stolen from the back garden of her home in Santen Grove on Bletchley's Lakes Estate on Sunday April 19, around lunchtime.

The Facebook group Dog Squad MK is helping search for her and posters have been put up all over the area.

Heartbroken Alyssa is walking the streets with her parents and calling for her pet, but so far there has been no clue.

"She's a very tiny Chihuahua and her stumpy tail makes her very distinctive," said Alan.

A reward is offered A reward is offered
A reward is offered

He is pleaded for anybody with information to contact him via email on[email protected]We plead that if anyone knows anything about Skye's whereabouts they do the right thing and come forward and contact us. We need her back," he said.

Alternatively, Skye can be left anonymously at any vets where she will quickly be found and returned to Alyssa.

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