Why 18 January is the most dangerous day on UK roads

Bad weather and stressed drivers blamed as 10 years of data shows 18 January is the worst for accident claims

18 January has been named as the most dangerous day on UK roads following analysis of 10 years’ worth ofaccidentdata.

Drivers are being urged to takeextra cautionafter a study of insurance claims by Admiral showed that 33% more claims are made on 18 January than on an average day.

A combination ofbad weatherand stressed drivers is thought to be responsible for making today the year’s worst for accidents.

The study looked at Admiral’s claims history from 2012-21, discounting claims for fire, theft, malicious damage or windscreen damage. It found that the winter months dominated the 10 dates with the highest volume of accident claims.

Second and third spots on the list went to 5 and 4 December, with 16 January and 28 February rounding out the top five.


Admiral’s head of claims Lorna Connelly said a combination of the potentially bad weather and more commuters relying on cars were behind the spike in claims during winter.

She commented: “More of us travel by car in the colder months, so combine that with wetter weather and icier road conditions and driving becomes more risky in the winter.

“While November and December are overall the most treacherous months, with the most accidents, 18 January is overall the date of the year we see the highest number of accident claims.

“Poor weather combined with busier roads and stressed drivers, as we return from the Christmas break could all be contributing factors.”

She added that a little forward planning could help reduce the risk of being involved in an accident today or any other day. “Bad weather is unavoidable at times, but planning ahead by leaving early, mapping your route and using our handywinter driving guide, can put you on course for a safer, stress-free journey.”