Bletchley Park in Milton Keynes scoops two heritage awards

Former top-secret home gets special mention for its latest exhibition

Bletchley Parkhas claimed two gongs - the ‘Must Visit’ award and the Judges’ Discretionary Award of ‘Best in Heritage’ - at the UK Heritage Awards.

The ‘Must Visit’ was awarded to its latest exhibition, D-Day: Interception, Intelligence, Invasion, which opened in 2019 and tells the story of Bletchley Park’s crucial role in the Normandy landings.

The judges said it was a "perfectly pitched entry for this category" and that it was a "valuable piece of our history that really is a must-see".

Bletchley Park Bletchley Park
Bletchley Park

The former top-secret home of Britain’s Second World War Codebreakers scored highly in every category it entered.

The judges noted that "visitors to Bletchley Park are given the opportunity to gain an insight into a unique part of British history with an experience that is educational, entertaining an enjoyable for all ages. Special recognition is deserved for Bletchley’s continued efforts in restoring and preserving this unique site for future generations".

Rebecca Foy, director of public engagement at Bletchley Park, said: “We’re delighted to have won ‘Must Visit’ and ‘Best in Heritage’ at the UK Heritage Awards. 2020 has not been an easy year for heritage, so to be named as winners in these categories is a welcome boost. The feedback from the judges is testament to the hard work that has gone into restoring the site and the great visitor experience our team provides.

“We encourage anyone who hasn’t yet visited Bletchley Park to visit – we are open daily and need your support.

"As an independent charity that receives no regular funding, closing to the public earlier this year due to COVID has hit us hard. We rely on visitor income to ensure that our story is preserved for generations to come.”

Visitors to Bletchley Park must pre-book.