Get paid £30,000 to go vegan, with your dog, for three months

Dog owners can apply to be paid £30,000 pro-rata to become vegan, along with their dog, for a short, set period.

A plant based dog food company wants the successful candidate to record their experience of introducing a plant-based diet for them and their dog, monitoring their health, energy levels and behaviour.

The lucky candidate will start as soon as possible to coincide with ‘Veganuary’ and will earn £2,500 per month plus expenses to cover their own food, as well as a three-month supply of dog food.

OMNI, the dog food brand is accepting applications until January 31 at:

This is a job role for both dog owners and their pets. This is a job role for both dog owners and their pets.
This is a job role for both dog owners and their pets.

The novel plant-based job vacancy for the candidate and their four-legged friend comes from the company's vision of helping dogs live healthier lives while lowering the carbon paw print on the planet by introducing meat-free or flexitarian diets.

It also hopes to widen people's understanding of the benefits a meat free diet can have on dogs, as well as humans.

Applicants must be from the UK and be over the age of 18. No qualifications or vegan experience is required for the job role, just a pre-existing non-vegan diet and a dog you are happy to experience the new diet with.

A weekly questionnaire will be provided to give feedback on factors such as health, energy levels, behaviour, bowel movements, sleep pattern and physical attributes, such as weight, skin, and hair/fur condition.

Time for dinner.... Time for dinner....
Time for dinner....

As well as expenses to cover the dog owner’s vegan food, a selection of recipes will be provided to ensure the candidate has a healthy, balanced diet plan alongside their pet who will be eating the provided plant-based meals.

The brand has also said that in return for the dogs' work they will gift them a supply of sustainable dog toys and vegan treats to keep them happy between meals and live a fully plant based lifestyle.

Dr. Guy Sandelowsky, veterinarian and co-founder of OMNI, said: “The vegan lifestyle doesn’t appeal to everyone but there are credible studies coming out that show excellent digestibility of plant-based foods, with many owners remarking how healthy and happy their dogs are once they make the switch.

"We believe that there is no better time than now to make the change to help you and your dog’s health, and reduce the strain on the planet.

Dogs can enjoy a vegan diet as much as their owners Dogs can enjoy a vegan diet as much as their owners
Dogs can enjoy a vegan diet as much as their owners

“We came up with this idea for the job so dog owners can experience the positive benefits of switching to an all-plant diet at the same time as their pet. We think it’s a great opportunity to prove and really drive home the message that plant-based and vegan food can be beneficial to both humans and dogs. We are sure many will jump at the chance to get paid to do something they were considering already - and have their food expenses covered too!”

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