Brain injury survivor scales new fundraising heights for Milton Keynes charity which supported him after assault

Ryan Goodenough will tackle the O2, bungee jump and shave his beard in aid of Headway Milton Keynes’ 20th year

24岁,来自卢顿,将助教king on 10 epic fundraising challenges throughout the year for Headway.

The MK brain injury charity, based on Avebury Boulevard, supports survivors and helps their loved ones come to terms with the devastating and life-long effects of brain injury – something Ryan understands first-hand.

In 2017, he suffered a traumatic brain injury while supporting inmates in a young offender’s prison – a job he loved.

Ryan Goodenough

But everything came crashing down when Ryan was assaulted by five young offenders who repeatedly punched him in the head, resulting in a fractured skull and bleed on the brain.

He was in a coma for three weeks and during intense rehabilitation had to learn how to walk and talk, as well as basic practical skills, such as how to make a cup of tea.

Ryan said: “After the injury I had to adapt to new challenges, I had no choice. I would lose track of what I was saying or forget simple words. I also struggled with fatigue, balance and memory.

“A lot changed for me after my brain injury, but I’m learning to live with it.”


Ryan Goodenough

Ryan said it was the support offered by Headway Milton Keynes, where he now volunteers as a trustee, that got him through the tough times.

He said: “Being a volunteer for Headway Milton Keynes has helped me throughout my recovery, it’s given me a purpose.”

Now, Ryan hopes to give back to the charity by completing 10 fundraising activities, ranging from a day in headstocks to a 160ft bungee jump.


“I am most looking forward to the bungee jump. It is something I have always wanted to do, so this is the perfect opportunity,” he said.

“This fundraising challenge is even more important to me because it’s Headway Milton Keynes’ 20th anniversary and a great chance to look to the future for our charity.”

The funds raised throughout Ryan’s challenges will go towards finding new premises.

You can support his GoFundMe pagehere