Milton Keynes College cancels January exams and switches to online learning during national lockdown

The college have made the decision to cancel Btec exams scheduled for January due to high coronavirus infection rates in the area.

Monday, 11th January 2021, 1:12 pm
Updated Monday, 11th January 2021, 1:14 pm

周二是nuary 5 the Department of Education announced that institutions could decide on a case-by-case basis whether to hold exams during the third national lockdown.

All educational institutes have switched to remote learning after a third national lockdown was announced on January 4. Even without the immediate pressure of exams Milton Keynes College have set clear expectations and guidelines to enable their students to still learn whilst limiting the spread of the coronavirus.

Assistant principal for employer and student experience, Tracey Matthews, has urged students to take online learning seriously, stressing that students' attendance will still be monitored as normal. She said: "It's really important that students understand they must log in to their timetabled sessions. They will still be marked on their attendance in the same way as if they were coming to college as normal."

Milton Keynes College cancel January exams but continue with online learning in third national lockdown

Most classes will be recorded live where possible to allow students to reference back to the sessions at a later date. Students adjudged to be vulnerable and those with an Education, Health and Care Plan can attend classes in person and should have already been informed of this along with their parents or carers. Plans have also been arranged for students who don't have access to online sessions at home.

Tracey added: "The situation is very fluid and for some courses we're still getting information coming in from various exam awarding bodies about what is expected. I want to say a huge thank you to the staff who've worked incredibly hard to adapt their teaching once again to these difficult circumstances, and also to the students and their parents for appreciating that we're doing our best to make sure the learning experience is as close to face-to-face teaching as possible."

Milton Keynes College are also hosting a virtual open event for potential new students on Saturday January 23. The event gives prospective students the opportunity to complete a virtual tour of the college campuses, whilst offering more information on courses and a chance to book sessions with tutors, careers advisors and members of the college applications team.