Warning for businesses in Milton Keynes to be on alert over malicious USB threat

Scam involves sending malicious USB drives sent in the post in fake thank you letter

Cyber criminals are using old fashioned methods to target businesses in a new malicious scam, warn IT experts.

Normally criminals try to hack into a business systems through the internet – often by breaking into someone’s email or looking for weak passwords.

But security experts have identified one criminal gang is now posting out USB drives.

Cyber criminals are targeting businesses in a new scam involving sending malicious USB drives in the post Cyber criminals are targeting businesses in a new scam involving sending malicious USB drives in the post
Cyber criminals are targeting businesses in a new scam involving sending malicious USB drives in the post

“These drives turn up in a gift box with a fake thank you letter,” explained Tony Capewell of IT security and support company, Your Cloud Works.

“The criminals are hoping someone in the business will open the box, believe it’s a gift and put the USB drive into their computer.”

He added: “But in doing so they would accidentally give the hacker direct access to their computer, through malicious software loaded on the USB.

“We’re now warning all businesses around here to spread the word about this to their staff.”

He also suggests all businesses should offer their staff regular training on cyber security threats.

Software can protect businesses, but well-trained staff will increase the protection tenfold, and act as the first line of defence.

Your Cloud Works was formed in 2010 and supports businesses inMilton Keyneswith the best use of technology by streamlining and securing theirIT systems.

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