Award win was énergie booster

ONE of last year’s award successes says winning gave his company a huge boost – quite an accolade since Jan Spaticchia’s enterprise is called énergie Group!

Mr Spaticchia won the title Entrepreneur of the Year, sponsored by Smart Moves Recruitment, for creating his fast-growing fitness franchise eight years ago.

But more than that, the company’s team was delighted to also be shortlisted for Business of the Year and Achievements in International Trade.

Mr Spaticchia said: “Such public recognition gives you a boost. It makes you realise that what you’re doing is in fact great and other people outside your organisation think so as well.

“The Chamber and media sponsors the Citizen have been great to énergie since and take a genuine interest in our progress, which has opened many doors for us.”

Mr Spaticchia is also a huge fan ofMilton Keynesand attitudes in the city to businesses.

He said: “As a Milton Keynes business born and bred, the énergie Group has a huge passion for the new city and an affinity for every business that is striving to achieve success within it. In just eight years, énergie has achieved great success, which I believe Milton Keynes’ attitude has contributed towards.”

Energie has its HQ in Tongwell Street, Fox Milne, but has clubs all over the world and recently opened a low monthly payments gym in Theatre District.

Mr Spaticchia ‘strongly urged’ others to “step back, look at what you have achieved and put it on paper and receive the recognition you deserve” by entering this year’s awards.

He said: “It is a wonderful personal achievement to have won the Entrepreneur of the Year. Anyone that knows me will appreciate how big this is for me and the énergie Group. I am an entrepreneur and have always been but I could not do it without my team who have supported me unreservedly through the good times and the bad.”

> Enter this year’s awards by visiting

> To be a sponsor contact Helen Horwood at the Chamber by phoning 01908 259002

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