Have a peep at panto!

DON’T be sheepish about booking tickets to The Winslow Players panto production of Little Bo Peep which has been especially written by member Derry French.

ByThe Newsroom
Friday, 13th January 2012, 4:00 pm

It’s great festive fun featuring all the the children’s favourites from nursery rhymes. Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and it is up to Dame Dolly Mixture from the sweet shop, Marjery Daw from the school, Polly Put the Kettle on from the tea shop and Baarbara and Ewenice from the wool shop to help her find them before Russell T Bone gets his hands on them?

The show is running at Winslow Public Hall from February 2 to 4. Tickets from Jennie Wren’s, Market Square and on the door on performance days. For more information please ring Derry French 715185 or go to the company’s website www.winslowplayers.co.uk