Brideshead’s Anthony Andrews heads Bully Boy

ANTHONY Andrews, best-known from TV series Brideshead Revisited, will head the cast in the premiere of Bully Boy this autumn. Written by broadcaster and writer Sandi Toksvig, this moving play takes to the Royal stage in Northampton from August 24 until Saturday September 15, before transferring to London.

This sensitive and thought-provoking play follows Falklands War veteran Major Oscar Hadley, who is sent to a combat zone to probe allegations of severe misconduct by Eddie Clark, a young squaddie from Burnley and part of a self-styled ‘Bully Boy’ unit of the British army. As the interrogation develops, the two men bond as they try to come to terms with the horrors they have both experienced at war.

Andrews gained national recognition for his role as the charming but fatally flawed Sebastian Flyte in the hugely successful TV adaptation of Brideshead Revisited but recently he has been taking on establishment roles - Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in hit film The King’s Speech and, on stage, another Premier Anthony Eden. In Bully Boy he plays the Major, with the role of Eddie taken by Joshua Miles.

Bully Boy is a poignant exploration of post war trauma, providing a startling insight both into the minds of soldiers, and into their treatment by society when they return.

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